Maui Waui
The best Maui Waui we’ve had the pleasure of trying, and it was certainly the most Sativa-looking. Very potent initially, it receded to an evenly energetic and clear-headed state but retained very strong eye effects throughout. It really shined when put under the camera lens, as it’s a beautiful specimen.
An heirloom inbred line from Hawaii that has been propagated in seed and stable cutting form
Fat foxtailed dark green calyxes with sienna pistils, and medium length and medium thickness stalked trichomes with large headsFoxtailed dark green calyxes with sienna pistils, and medium length and medium thickness stalked trichomes with large heads
A bit piney, a bit earthy, but with a unique spicy smell that reminded us of fennel or even holiday spices. It wasn’t very pungent until it was ground up…
Much like the smell, a pine taste was the dominant note, but there was also some lemon and a slight sweetness. It was expansive yet very smooth on the throat.
The back of the head began to feel heavy, but the eyes and forehead filled with pressure and a buzzing sensation, with the eyes in particular being heavily medicated to the point that they almost felt blurry. A very potent start for this strain, it took us to a state where the head effects were nearly overwhelming, sending one reviewer off for a nap. Overall though, it was energetic in an even and non-rushy way, and felt capable mentally after the initial potency retreated. It also lightened the mood quite a bit, making us talkative and positive mentally. Very clean finish, it faded out without notice, lingering in the eyes for quite some time.
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